SKin Enhance is a Skin Clinic based in Billericay, Essex.

Wellcome to skin enhance and wellness

Skin Enhance And Wellness is a cosmetic skin and wellness clinic in Billericay, Essex where all treatments are carried out by Dr Tash Kanagasabai so you will have a consistent and highly personalised treatment every time you visit. At the initial appointment, you will be able to discuss your concerns and expectations. The treatment plans recommended will be based on what is best for you and not influenced by any financial gain. Having worked many years in the NHS and still practicing as a GP, Dr Tash has developed a strong empathy for her patients and is very passionate about her offering. You can be assured that you will not be rushed or coerced into having treatments you don’t need or want. Dr Tash will give you her personal number to use for any concerns following the consultation or treatment.


Skin Health















Skin Enhance and Wellness Promise

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How to Winter-Proof Your Skin

How to Winter-Proof Your Skin

Winter-proof your skin as the cold weather rolls in and winter skin becomes a common concern. The colder months bring dry air, harsh winds, and indoor heating, all of which can leave your skin feeling dull, dry, and more sensitive. However, with...

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SkinPen microneedling
Dermalux LED light therapy