
A gummy smile occurs when, during a smile, your upper lip rises significantly, revealing more gum than desired. While every genuine and authentic smile can be endearing, we strive to help our patients have the smile they self-diagnose as the most appealing. A typical or “ideal” smile exposes generally no more than 2 millimetres of upper gum tissues, whereas a “gummy” smile may show 3 millimetres or more. People with a “gummy” smile may be reluctant to smile, or even be self-conscious about their smile.

Do you find yourself hesitating to flash a full smile because your gums take the spotlight? Read on to find out if Botox is your solution.

What causes a gummy smile?

Several factors can contribute to a gummy smile:

  • Excess Gum Tissue: Known as gingival hypertrophy, excessive gum tissue can lead to a gummy smile.
  • Genetic Predisposition: The excessive growth of the upper jaw, can expose more gum tissue. This condition is often genetic.
  • Lip Characteristics: A short or hyperactive upper lip can create the illusion of larger gums.
  • Tooth Size and Shape: If your teeth appear small or are hidden, more gum tissue may be exposed.
  • Hyperactive Lip Elevators: If the muscles that normally pull up your upper lip are extra active, more gum will be revealed on smiling.

This is why you always need a face-to-face consultation and assessment prior to treatment. If your gummy smile is caused by hyperactive muscles, Botox will help.

How Does Botox work for a gummy smile?

Botox contains botulinum toxin type A, which, when strategically injected, blocks the connection between the muscles and nerves. The result is the relaxation of the muscles in the upper lip. This relaxation limits the rise of the upper lip during a smile, keeping your gums concealed. With just a single Botox treatment, we can help you achieve a more appealing and natural smile.

Gummy smile

Benefits of Botox for gummy smiles

  • Minimal discomfort: Botox injections are virtually painless, as very small needles are used.
  • Immediate recovery: Return to your daily activities right after treatment.
  • Cost-effective: Botox is an affordable alternative to surgical procedures.
  • Natural and quick results: Achieve a more balanced smile swiftly. It usually starts working within 2-4 days and the full effect is noticeable within 2 weeks. You may need a review at this point to touch up any area not covered by the initial treatment.

Disadvantages of Botox

Despite the benefits, there are some drawbacks to Botox treatment. Firstly, it is not a permanent solution so repeat treatments are required to maintain the results. Secondly, you cannot have it during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Thirdly, it does not improve thin lips, dermal fillers will be required here. Finally if done incorrectly it can cause an asymmetrical smile.

By consulting an experienced medical practitioner, you can be confident that all the risks and benefits are explored, helping you decide if you want to proceed with your treatment.

Botox treatment is a medical treatment. By law, each treatment needs a face-to-face consultation and informed consent. You must be offered aftercare and how to contact your practitioner with any concerns.

Don’t let a gummy smile hold back your confidence. Contact us today at Skin Enhance and Wellness, Billericay to learn more about how Botox can transform your smile. Embrace the beauty of a confident grin!

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