
Summer can have mixed effects on your skin. First, let’s look at some of the ways summer affects your skin. Then I will discuss top tips to help you prepare your skin for summer.

How does summer affect your skin?

Initially, the heat alone in summer can increase sweating leading to dehydration. Dehydrated skin can look dry and dull. Additionally, the hot weather and humidity can increase the activity of your oil glands. An increase in sebum or oil production can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Furthermore, a high UV index can cause sunburn, premature skin ageing and increase the risk of skin cancer. What’s more, in susceptible individuals the high UV can trigger pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can appear as dark spots or freckles or patches giving your skin an overall uneven tone.  Even worse, this can be more pronounced in darker skin tones.

Top tips to get your skin summer ready

Getting your skin summer ready involves a combination of healthy lifestyle habits, proactive treatments, a good skincare routine, and sun protection. Let’s go through this in detail.

Use a daily sunscreen

You must protect your skin from UV radiation 365 days a year. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Apply it generously and frequently, especially if you are spending a lot of time outdoors.


Using the right moisturiser keeps the skin hydrated without clogging the pores. It also encourages your skin to stop producing excess oil.

In the clinic, skin boosters can nourish your skin by infusing it with hyaluronic acid as well as raw materials to revive and rejuvenate your skin.

Glowing skin

Adapting your skincare

Start using skincare products aimed at improving your specific skin concerns. For some, it may be products that target oil glands to help reduce blemishes while for others it may be targeting hydration levels. Some people suffer from patches of hyperpigmentation while for others, it may be an overall uneven skin tone or texture. A skin analysis and consultation may help you find the right products for you.


Regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, leaving your skin looking fresh and bright. Although you can use a physical exfoliator once or twice a week, a chemical exfoliator is gentler on your skin. Chemical exfoliation can be achieved with acids such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). These acids gently dissolve the bond between dead skin cells releasing them off the surface of your skin. You can either incorporate these in your home skincare or opt for gentle chemical peels in the clinic.

During a chemical peel, a specific acid or combination of acids is applied on the skin surface to encourage exfoliation. Afterward, you may experience mild flaking or peeling as the skin sheds the dead skin cells to reveal more radiant, youthful skin underneath. As surface imperfections are eliminated, uneven or hyperpigmentation also improves.

winter skin

Collagen boosting treatments

Your skin will be more radiant and hydrated when there’s a boost to your collagen levels. Here are my top treatments to boost your collagen.

First and foremost, Profhilo is an injectable hyaluronic acid treatment that not only hydrates your skin but also stimulates collagen production.

Alternatively, micro needling with the SkinPen precision device has multiple long-term benefits. This treatment makes tiny injuries to the surface of your skin encouraging it to start repair and remodeling. This not only stimulates collagen but also improves the condition of your skin: As your skin gets tighter, pores appear smaller. Simultaneously, the repair process improves scars and pigmentation.

dermal filler hyaluronic acid

Other lifestyle measures

This includes staying hydrated with plenty of fluids, eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, and getting enough sleep.

Overall, taking care of your skin during the months preceding summer is important to maintain its health and appearance. Keeping your skin hydrated, using sunscreen, and using products that are suitable for your skin type can help you enjoy the season without damaging your skin.

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