
Chin filler has increased in popularity thanks to selfies on social media. The most flattering selfies are achieved by tilting your chin up to get the best light reflection on your face. Hence, elongating your jawline minimising any jowls. As a result, the chin becomes a focal point.

 There are 2 main reasons for weak chins. The first is genetic which cannot be prevented but the most common cause is ageing. As we age, the bone in the chin and jawline shrinks leaving the surrounding area with less support. The loss of deep tissue support combined with the laxity of the skin leads to sagging. Moreover, as support is lost, the muscles become ‘hyperactive’ contributing to chin creases and dimpling.

What is a chin filler?

This is a suitable hyaluronic acid filler that is injected deep within the chin. Here it provides structural support projecting it forwards or downwards as desired for the best profile. A chin filler can last about 12 months or more depending on individual factors. Unlike lip fillers, it is a firm filler placed in a non-mobile area which slows down its breakdown.

Dermal fillers have many advantages. Firstly, they help to support, plump, and hydrate the area. Secondly, they maintain the results by encouraging collagen and elastin production within the skin. Thirdly, they are quick treatments with little or no downtime. Most importantly, as a non-surgical treatment, you can have a staggered approach targeting the most problematic area first. Finally, it can be dissolved should a rare complication arise.

At Skin Enhance and Wellness in Billericay, only FDA-approved premium brands of dermal fillers are used. These include Teoxane and MaiLi dermal fillers.

Why have a chin filler?

Chin augmentation is rarely performed alone but in combination with other facial fillers to harmonise your facial features.

 In younger patients, chin filler helps to balance your profile. Additionally, it can sharpen the jawline making it more contoured and sculptured. Conversely, in mature patients, it helps to support and stretch the tissues above it. Furthermore, jowls, folds, and dimples are minimised contributing to a more youthful appearance.

Women have narrow chins while it is wider in men. Consequently, the chin filler is placed slightly differently in men and women to achieve attractive profiles respectively.

It is best to have a consultation and assessment first to determine if chin filler is suitable for you. If appropriate, the treatment is very quick with very little downtime. You will notice a difference immediately and can resume normal activities straight away. Most people require no more than 1-2mls of dermal filler for chin augmentation.

Botox assessment

The ethos at Skin Enhance and Wellness is to give you a refreshed and restored appearance with bespoke treatments. There is no ‘celebrity filler package’ because you are unique, and your treatment may be different from what your friend needs!

The filler brands chosen are carefully picked and are extremely successful at integrating with your natural tissue to give a smooth appearance. 

Below is an example of lip and chin enhancement.

Chin filler

In summary, there are many benefits to having chin filler. Firstly, it helps to proportion the face for a more balanced profile. Secondly, it helps define the jawline. Additionally, it helps tighten and smooths overlying skin reducing wrinkles and dimples.

To learn more about chin filler or any other dermal filler treatment, email the clinic for further information or to book a personalised consultation.

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